we are

The product of the union of a group of sports lovers who decided to unite in a time of multiple changes in baseball as a sport and as a business, what motivates us to transform the intangible and make it tangible to the public that practices this sport professionally or recreationally


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Training and Business growth

At Baseballhood, we are always looking for ways to grow and improve ourselves and our products. We are delighted to announce that we have an agreement with Psychologist Emmanuel Santos, a leading authority on sports psychology and conscious leadership. He will be coming to Kissimmee, FL December 1-3, 2023, to speak deeply about how to implement conscious baseball with and for our community. Psychologist Emmanuel Santos has worked with athletes, coaches and teams of various sports and levels.

reflects your personality

Dear God, let me wisely use the gifts you have given me and make the plays over and over again, even if I receive some applause, the glory always goes to you.

Joseph Gutierrez

in the world

a litTle a vision

our mascot


our MascoT


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our courses

  • Baseballhood

    Batting Techniques

    10 weeks
    All levels
    99 lessons
    9 quizzes
    3 students
    Levantur delectat moriens institutionis orationis moderatio existeret duce rectumne refers proximum expetendum finem originem putabit…
baseballhood are all

our alLies

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100 east pine street Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: +1.407.534.0376